Here's the last of the pic's from halloween. It was fun until the last day when we realized how much candy we'd eaten and got tired of the halloween songs. On another note, it's starting to feel like fall here. The weather is actually dropped below 90 and we can wear our sweaters!
Monday, November 03, 2008
more photos of halloween...
Posted by The Peters at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Halloween's a whole week long this year...
Today marked the beginning of Halloween week at the dance studio. Here's a picture of some of my dancers all dressed up.... so cute! We made up dances and had a lot of candy. 2 more days of dress up to come...even Dublin got in the spirit.
Posted by The Peters at 10:18 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hand of God steered fire past residents
This is an article written in the LA Daily news in reference to the fires that caused our bases evacuation....amazing!!
Posted by The Peters at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
At 4am yesterday we were evacuated from our base. The wildfires had crept over our mtn so we spent the morning at denny's. Clint stayed behind and hosed down the roofs. Please keep praying for the wind to die down and for the fires to get under control.
Posted by The Peters at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Children buried alive in the Amazon - HAKANI
Please visit to learn how you can change the world we live in
Posted by The Peters at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Getaway Weekend
We had a good friend's wedding this weekend in Ventura so we decided to stay the night at our friends Arch and Tam's house. They have a little side house that they opened up for us and we felt like we were on a mini vacation.
Here's a couple of pics from the wedding. Dave and Mia have been living in the middle east for the past few years and are now moving to Hawaii. They had a beautiful wedding.
The next day we went upcoast to Santa Barbara. It was beautiful weather so we layed on the beach, went for lunch and then had dinner by the pier. Such a nice getaway.
This morning Clint left for a NIKO (outdoor adventure leadership training). There are 60 youth going to the mountains to be stretched by God. Clint loves his times of NIKO and always comes back with new vision from God and amazing stories.We have a couple of good friends visiting but they're leaving tomorrow. Reg came for a quick visit, but Mark has been here for 3 months mission building. Everyone's sad to see them leave.
Posted by The Peters at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Our youth
Last night we had youth group, just like every Friday night, but last night was difficult. After a game of dodgeball, (a broken nose), some basketball we went inside for teaching. It seems like the youth nowadays are faced with so many more issues than we were.. A few of our kids have serious attention disorders, family issues, and have already started with drugs and alcohol. There's also an overall disrespect for adults and authority. It seems like we're getting through and then all of the non-Christian yet kids show up and it's madness.
Praise God that our School of Ministry is giving us some students to serve with us as staff. We are in need of one on one discipleship. Most of our youth don't have good parent figures at home, if any at all, and so anytime YWAMers come and serve the impact on the youth's lives is immense.
We love our youth so much and see so much potential for great change. Everything is so dependent on the choices they are making on a daily basis. Some are in danger of going to a boys home, moving in with another parent, choosing drugs and alcohol and other BIG decisions. Yet we know that God loves them, and is intent on them becoming followers and doers of HIS ways.
Quick story: we took one of our boys out for dinner a few nights ago and were asking him questions about when he became a Christian. His response was when he started coming to our group. His family situation is non-existent, a homeless mom and 5 foster homes since we've known him. He's visited our YWAM base a couple times and really wants to follow Christ. Please pray for him as he's learning what it requires to follow Christ.
Posted by The Peters at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 31, 2008
God is so good
We just got back from a missions week in Catalina Island with 25 youth, and wanted to share what's been happening in our lives. The week was wonderful. The youth grew in their relationship with Christ, shared their faith on the bball court (Clint ran a tournament) and did performing arts outreach. It's amazing to get to spend time with youth who are passionate about God.
The island youth are bored, and resort to drugs and alcohol. Our youth are able to reach them in an incredible way and share the life in Christ....they were sad to see them leaveThis is Aubrie. A couple of weeks ago we babysat her while her parents took a trip to France. She was a blast and we learned a lot about being parents. Spaghetti night was our favorite.
This is a picture that was taken at a recent program on Diversity that was given by the Freedom Project. I'm now directing this team and we go into schools, juvenile halls, churches and a variety of other venues and share on issues like drug & alcohol prevention, violence, diversity, and living healthy lives. We use dance, drama, speaking and music to engage the audience and provide an entertaining message.
These are a few of our youth from church. We started working with the group 6 months ago and are learning so much. We're seeing a lot of growth and a few have come to Christ for the first time.
Way back in November we took our youth the South Central LA for a chance to share God's love. This is a picture of the food distribution given out. The youth had a chance to talk with the neighborhood and play with the youth. It really opened their eyes to the desperate need in our city.
Thank you so much for your prayers. We are having an amazing time ministering here in LA and covet your thoughts and prayers so much!
love, the Peters
Posted by The Peters at 2:57 PM 0 comments