Tuesday, October 06, 2009

It's been awhile

Yes it's true. It's been almost a year since we've updated this blog. So long in fact our blog title needed to be changed. We have felt the call of God on our lives to pack up our lives and say goodbye to LA and move to Colorado. So we're no longer the Peters in LA, but we're looking for the mountaintop...

It wasn't a hasty or easy decision to move. We felt for a while that God was wrapping up our time in LA. We had been ministering in the city for 4 years as a couple and had made amazing friends, seen God do amazing works in their lives, and we left a bit of our hearts there.
In early July we packed up our car and headed across the desert, and into the mountains of CO. Now after being here 3 months, we are beginning to see more and more of what God has in store for us.
We moved into a rental house with another YWAM couple and their 2 kids. They have a vision to move to France and serve the muslim people. We felt that we could serve them by renting a house with them, to ease in financial burdens and provide a space where they could be a family.
We have found a church that fits our vision of reaching the nations for Jesus and using local outreach to extend his love. We are both working part time, making connections in the city, and meeting new people. We are constantly reminded of the need to be God's hands and feet to everyone we meet, sharing his grace and love.
We have connected with the YWAM base here and are keeping our affiliation with YWAM LA to pioneer the ministry we worked with in LA here in the Springs...we've already picked up the locals lingo :). I (Nicole) was part of the original team that was pioneered in LA in 2002. It holds a special place in my heart and I have so many stories from how God has used the team to change my life, and the lives of so many in schools, juv. halls and prisons. Ask me about it sometime...I'd love to share them with you!
The ministry is called Freedom Project: CO.
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Check back often to hear stories and see pictures of our new adventures here in Colorado!

Monday, November 03, 2008

more photos of halloween...

Here's the last of the pic's from halloween.  It was fun until the last day when we realized how much candy we'd eaten and got tired of the halloween songs.  On another note, it's starting to feel like fall here.  The weather is actually dropped below 90 and we can wear our sweaters!   

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween's a whole week long this year...

Today marked the beginning of Halloween week at the dance studio.  Here's a picture of some of my dancers all dressed up.... so cute! We made up dances and had a lot of candy. 2 more days of dress up to come...even Dublin got in the spirit. 

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hand of God steered fire past residents

This is an article written in the LA Daily news in reference to the fires that caused our bases evacuation....amazing!! 

"As 125 homeless women and children fled Hope Gardens early Sunday while a towering wall of wind-fueled flames swept down Lopez Canyon, the blaze suddenly changed course and veered around the rustic facility leaving a green oasis in the midst of charred landscape.  "The fire captain told me the fire was coming down the hill, burning hot and high, and out of nowhere, it suddenly turned and went around our facility," Hope Gardens Chief Operating Officer Scott Johnson said. " They have no idea why.  We call it the hand of God."

Monday, October 13, 2008

YWAM 4am fires


At 4am yesterday we were evacuated  from our base. The wildfires had crept over our mtn so we spent the morning at denny's.  Clint stayed behind and hosed down the roofs. Please keep praying for the wind to die down and for the fires to get under control.  

Fires in our backyard

Friday, June 13, 2008

Children buried alive in the Amazon - HAKANI

Please visit hakani.org to learn how you can change the world we live in

Monday, April 14, 2008

Getaway Weekend

We had a good friend's wedding this weekend in Ventura so we decided to stay the night at our friends Arch and Tam's house. They have a little side house that they opened up for us and we felt like we were on a mini vacation.
Here's a couple of pics from the wedding. Dave and Mia have been living in the middle east for the past few years and are now moving to Hawaii. They had a beautiful wedding.

The next day we went upcoast to Santa Barbara. It was beautiful weather so we layed on the beach, went for lunch and then had dinner by the pier. Such a nice getaway.
This morning Clint left for a NIKO (outdoor adventure leadership training). There are 60 youth going to the mountains to be stretched by God. Clint loves his times of NIKO and always comes back with new vision from God and amazing stories.

We have a couple of good friends visiting but they're leaving tomorrow. Reg came for a quick visit, but Mark has been here for 3 months mission building. Everyone's sad to see them leave.