Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Africa. Dirty. Kind. Powerful, powerless. Beautiful. Challenging. Encouraging. Comfortable. Cold. There's a lot of words I could use to describe our experience...it's just that none seem to fully capture the two weeks we spent there, the faces we kissed, the hands we held, the lives we touched and the lives that impacted ours. The pictures bring back incredible memories.
I think that we learned a lot on this trip-
we can't change the world. we can pray. we can educate ourselves. we can tell others. we can believe for a difference.
africans are amazing. faced with hardship, death, struggle...they offer joy. they continue on-through it-with amazing faith and trust and belief that GOD exists, and that there will come a day...
people's relationshipl with god is not formed through others. you cannot create a personal relationship with GOD for someone else.
africa becomes a part of you-it stays with you when you leave.
So- we loved africa. here's some pics of our time there-our team and the friends we made.