Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Finally an update...

Peter’s Post: March 07

Hello! A long awaited update is finally here!

We are so grateful to everyone who has been supporting us and praying for us during our stay here in LA. Over the past couple of months we have had amazing opportunities to speak and challenge almost 600 youth and adults from 5 nations. From NIKO’s to speaking at pastor’s conferences, we have been amazed at how God is choosing to use us to challenge the church to rise up in missions. We want to share with you a few stories of how God is moving and encourage you that you are a part of what is happening here in LA and in the rest of the world.

NIKO: Outdoor Adventure designed to empower, train, and disciple youth

15 exhausted dirty and smelly students returned from the wilderness. After a warm shower, the group came for dinner. Stories of their hikes, the blisters on their feet, the rain soaking their sleeping bags, and what God taught them, filled the air. This DTS returned from a few nights in the wilderness with an understanding of what to expect on outreach, and amazed at the strength they found in God. Clint is now leaving for another adventure like this in Mexico, and loves leading NIKO’s because God is always faithful in how he helps the students overcome, learn to lead, and live without the comforts for a few days.

MISSIONS: Speaking & encouraging churches to do missions around the world

Two weekends ago we drove up to the mountains and spoke and led team building for a Phillipino church retreat. We spoke for 3 hours on Phil 2:5-14 about having the attitude of Christ. It was a great time sharing how we can become like Christ and serve one another, and then follow that with teambuilding.

The next day we were at the biggest Korean church in North America speaking on missions to 400 4th, 5th & 6th graders. It was a fun experience sharing the trips we’ve been on and then sharing how God would want them to be involved. We will continue to partner with them in local outreaches and help connect them to supporting kids with AIDS in S. Africa.

Last weekend we spoke at a missions conference for Pastors from LA. We shared how to get youth involved in missions, spiritual capacity of children and family in ministry.

This upcoming weekend Nicole is leading a Urban youth workers forum in how to deal with issues that youth face today. Clint will be leading a NIKO in Mexico. Please pray for us as we continue to have many opportunities to share with the church about missions. We feel honored to be able to speak into so many lives and see churches really excited about missions and serving Christ in the nations.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We really could not do any of these things without you. Please know that through your support Christ is reaching the nations!


Clint & Nicole Peters